Biblical history has it that Pharisee Saul was one key figure that persecuted Our Lord Jesus Christ, followers and His works in the propagation of the good news. But when realization finally came, Saul converted and became Paul – Apostle Paul. He arguably was the most industrious of all the Apostles in the absence of Christ, had been on evangelism mission in the Roman Empire not less than four times. He practically taught and in far off distances consistently wrote letters to areas that are nations today in an effort to keep Christianity alive. Ours today seemed a case of the reverse! From Apostle Paul to Saul! Lawyer Martin Amidu hurriedly wrote a piece on a development in Parliament on Thursday seeking to condemn the Minority who sought to express concern about an action of a glaringly bias Speaker. It seemed to me Mr Amidu had not apprised himself with the precursor to the Minority’s legitimate action or did but for purposes of giving a dog a bad name and to hang it did what ...